USPTO Proposed Fee Increases for 2025

The USPTO has announced its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for raising fees in 2025.  The NPRM retains most of the fee adjustments that were first proposed in 2023, with only a few changes made in response to input from the Patent Public Advisory Committee (PPAC).  The fees are significant and can greatly impact some patent filing and prosecution strategies.  The changes in the USPTO fees are briefly described below.

Examples of Significantly Higher Fees

Examples of New Fees That Could Impact Filing and Prosecution Strategies

The NPRM does respond to feedback provided by the PPAC in 2023, but the fee increases generally remain unchanged.  Although the USPTO is required to accept and respond to properly submitted comments from various stakeholders through the Federal eRulemaking Portal by June 3, 2024, we would expect that the USPTO is unlikely to make any significant changes given the minimal changes that were made in response to feedback from the PPAC.

The new and increased fees are likely to impact patent filing and prosecution strategies for all of our clients.  However, different clients will be impacted in different ways.  We invite all of our clients to arrange for a discussion with us on how to reduce or minimize the impact of the increased and new fees on their budgets.

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