Advances in technology in the field of Life Sciences, including Biomedical Engineering and Biology have improved our lives.  Thomas|Horstemeyer has been at the forefront of creating and enforcing Intellectual Property directed to innovation in the field of Life Sciences.  

At Thomas|Horstemeyer, we understand the transformative power of biomedical science and its potential to revolutionize healthcare.  Our attorneys and agents specialize in preparing Patents and other Intellectual Property directed to biomedical innovations, including medical devices, diagnostic tools, and biotechnology breakthroughs.  We also specialize in biological innovations, including pharmaceuticals, genetics, agricultural advancements, and many others.  In the field of life sciences, the attorneys and agents at Thomas|Horstemeyer work with innovators from a variety of organizations, including universities, companies, and governmental agencies.  

With our experience and depth of knowledge in the Life Science arts, our attorneys and agents prepare Intellectual Property rights that provide effective protection and enforcement for Life Science innovations.